The Mabis Project | Science fiction thriller, read it online as it's written.

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Science Fiction books, Read books online, Online books, Scifi stories
Chapter One- Pages 1-2 |   3-4  |   5-6  |   7-8  |   9-10  |   11-12  |   13-14  |   15-16  |   17-18  |   19-20  |   21-23 
Chapter Two pages 24-26
  |   27-29  | 30-32    | 33-35    | 36-38    | 39-41    | 42-43  
Chapter Three pages 44-46  |  47-49

Learn more about painted ponies

Friday, July 22, 2005

Chapter One: Pages 3-4

I was finishing the final settings on the machine when the committee began to arrive. As they come through the door, I realized this wasn’t going to be what I expected at all. This wasn’t a review board at all.

The first to come through the door was young woman, mid 30’s with sandy blonde hair that was neatly drawn back into a ponytail. I recognized her from an article in the National physics journal. It was Sylvia Personae, a renowned physicist and teacher at M.I.T.

The second coming through the door was none other than Dr. Voldorf a German physicist whom I had worked on projects with him in the past. He was a very smart man, but very hard to get along with.

“What was he doing here I haven’t seen him in over 4 years.” I thought to myself. “The last I heard, he supposedly has been underground working on a top-secret project for the military.”

As Voldorf emerged from the door, I gave him a little nod from across the room, which he politely returned as he headed for the control room door.

Then, the last people I wanted to see emerged from the doorway. Four military generals, all in dress uniforms and two scientists in ordinary white lab coats I didn’t recognize. Stoic as the faces on Mt. Rushmore, they walked directly to the observation room. Just like a bunch of robots, taking their seats as if programmed to be responseless and cold.”

Marx signaled to start a test run from the control center so I double checked the settings and backed behind a small lab shield.

As MABIS warmed up she put on quite a light show, each chamber goes through a sequencing process. Each sphere lights up in sequence with a series of eight geometric shapes inside each one. When she finished warming up Marx cued the test program to start. MABIS started sequencing the geometric patterns within the king’s chamber. In a great burst of energy she initialized and shot a light blue beam to the receiver. When the beam subsided there sat an old rocking chair. I had programmed MABIS to recreate the exact chair my grandfather used to rock me in and she performed flawlessly.

We quickly wrapped up the test work and I hurried to the director’s office still angered about the military showing up.

Without a knock, I stormed into Director Simon’s office,

“What is going on out there?” I yelled.

With his usual calmness and a subtle movement of his hand he instructed me to close the door behind me.

“Now look”, he said to me in a calming fashion.

“You’re not going to like this news, but I like you Frank and I’m going to give it to you straight” he said.

“What do you mean, I’m not going to like it.”

“Don’t tell me, that the military is taking the project?” I yelled.

Ron lowered his head a bit, rubbing his forehead with his right hand before looking up from his desk.

He didn’t need to say anything I knew the answer right then. Even so, what he said did come at somewhat of a surprise.

“Calm down Frank, nobody’s taking anything from you, you’re still going to be the lead scientist on the project. Just not in charge anymore.” Ron replied.

“The project is being reassigned to the U.S Air Force. You are to report to General Sumner and he will fill you in on the details of the new project.” he said, as he stood up and passed me the reassignment orders.

Ron then moved around his large mahogany desk and placed his hand on my shoulder and said. “But first you need to get out there and show them a demonstration, you’ll find out about the other stuff soon enough.”

With a slight push Ron got me started out the door and walked with me back into the test room.

Once in the test room, I stopped at the machine for one last check and watched as Ron almost skipped across the floor to the control room door. He peered back at me with that all familiar smirk as he opened the door.

“He could be a freaking prick sometimes, well most of the time. And what is he so happy for? He’s one of the most depressing individuals I’ve ever met.”

Even though all of it was true, I still wanted to check the machine one last time.

After the final look over, I proceeded to the control room myself. When I entered you could’ve heard a pin drop. Not one person was talking.

“That was strange”. I thought. But I proceeded to the front and began the initial briefing.

“As you all know you’re here to watch history being made. I’m proud to present you with the very first particle creation machine. I’m going to let ADORA take it from here.

Chapter One: Pages 5-6

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Science Fiction books, Read books online, Online books, Scifi stories
Chapter One- Pages 1-2 | 3-4  | 5-6  | 7-8  | 9-10  | 11-12  | 13-14  | 15-16  | 17-18  | 19-20  | 21-23 
Chapter Two pages 24-26  | 27-29  | 30-32  | 33-35  | 36-38  | 39-41  | 42-43

| Chapter Three pages 44-46